the Dental Purgatorium


When I was younger and was looking at the cases one of the most frequent question i was putting myself was about a clear indication about the boundaries of restorative dentistry against prosthetic dentistry .Of course there were some guidelines but more I was looking at the presented cases more blurred and unclear was the scenario .
In my mind I wanted to draw a clear line but it was an impossible task .
So i started as much as possible to put questions to the speakers and each one of them was replying stretching biomechanical and chemical concepts and adhesion ’s issues in order to fit his point of view .
There was the speaker with the “no post no crown “ philosophy relying heavily on immediate dentin sealing (IDS) and in the all mighty adhesion to dentin , sometimes powered by the use of CHX to inhibit metalloproteases, the other doing old fashion preparations for adhesive restorations giving more macromechanical stability …there was anything but not an universal consensus.
I was a beginner in dentistry and I was always asking myself about what do to and that sort of lack of clear indications was stressful .
Not only I had to learn to do good preparations , but also I was unsure the design of the preparations and the indications.
Of course in very easy cases the indication for direct restoration was straightforward , but , in my clinical practice few cases were so easy .
Most of them were placed in an endless scale of grey.
However I realized that the “modern “ approach was biased towards adhesion and so , when in doubt , I was always choosing indirect adhesive one . Did hundreds ..

There is something in life you cannot buy ..despite all the money you may have .
There is something in life you cannot inherit..despite any will of those close to you ..
There is something in life you cannot get early ..despite your rush .
There is something you cannot get even if you’re one of those privileged humans in the world .
There is something , once you get it , that nobody can steal .
This is your experience and the related mastery of a field .

Now , beyond my 20 years of dentistry , I have a much more clear insight of dentistry and it’s crystal clear that what I was looking for was just a relief to my anxiety for my unexperience and my desire of certainty .
I realized that the most important thing is your accuracy and attention in the execution of the clinical steps .
I realized adhesion is easily overrated and not very reliable when dealing with scarcity of enamel .
I realized that the technician you may work with is one of the biggest indication to move on with a treatment plan or another one .
I realized that the patient you work with is also one of the biggest variables .

There are procedures that need good patients and good technicians , apart good dentists .
Some procedures are slow and with many steps . You need patients who allow you to work without stress .
And even myself is a variable .
I would like to say that I always perform at 100% but the reality I have days where I am in a rush and I need in order to clear my busy schedule faster procedures .
Even Daniel Kahnemann in his famous book “Thinking fast and slow “described how judges ,according to their hunger ,had different results .
Close to the lunch time ,the judges were hungry and were in a bad mood and the final result was a low rate of good verdict .
After eating , the number of good verdicts were increasing again in a clear way .
In the same way I am perfectly aware that when I have a day busy with some unexpected treatments and I am short of time I easily move to faster treatments .
Prosthetic dentistry in my hands is extremely fast . Vertical technique is also extremely reliable about its outcome . Of course there is a biologic price cause we “use” more dental structure but sometimes , in the real daily life , this exchange is very advantageous .
Indeed , apart being on easy cases(aka the paradise ) ,where the treatment is always the most conservative possible, and the hard ones(aka the hell) where the prosthetic approach is usually the first choice , we live in the grey area of the purgatory.
In the purgatory there are not just teeth and their indications , there are patients and they’re dentists and there’re all the struggles of the everyday life.
The purgatory is where we live the real dentistry . The paradise is the dentistry we usually talk about . The hell is the dentistry we usually hide or share with close colleagues.
Living in the purgatory is not that easy but , at least , there is more room to move .
Just don’t listen to the umpteenth “priest of dentistry “ talking from the stage and blame yourselves to be just “human” .
I’ve been close to many “priests” and ,most of them , don’t act every day like they say .
It’s easier to talk than do Much easier .

Mostly I talk about what I do.

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