Scrolling on Facebook and instagram some bios and some dental cases there is just a feeling you can feel …not to be enough.
Beautiful cases , beautiful people , probably wealthy people , beautiful photography.
The narrative behind these stories is quite similar .
It’s the story of a golden life with happy patients , successful cases , predictable work .
Each one of these successful guys has his own recipe for getting this .
Most of the times the recipe is not complete for all the needs you have ,but each one of them has a small recipe for success.
Follow this protocol and you will be successful in endodontics .
Follow this selling protocol and you will be able to increase your acceptance rate .
Advertise in this way and you will get plenty of implant patients.
In the last decades all over the world we have moved toward a different kind of society .
Competitivity and anxiety become the main movers of our era .
Nobody want to be below expectations so what happens is simply this : people tries to leverage your anxiety and your fears in order to see you something .
Of course the award has to be exceptional in order to push you even more .
The recipe is almost the same : push hard on people’s fears and problems in order to make the problem bigger and after make them dream about an amazing solution .
There is nothing really wrong about this approach . We know that humans are quite lazy so we have to push a little bit harder in order to make them change something .
The problem is just one …and it’s on the “seller “ …what is he selling really? which actions is he performing exactly?
Being simple ,the actions we perform in our life may be collected in 4 actions :
1. we look for improve our situation at the expense of others
2. we look for improve ourselves and in the same time others
3.we look to improve others situation at the expense of our life
4.we damage ourselves together with others.
The most frequent action I see is the first one…the problem is that often this ends up with the fourth .
Selling something with scarce value to the world , pushing the product with all the available marketing tools in the hope of selling enough so to improve his /her economical status , to improve his small personal world .
What happens after time is simply the loss of reputation and the final failure ….so..number 4: we damage ourselves together with others.
Useless to say …..the number two , the real number two , is what we have to strive for …
Improving our situation and in the same time improving others giving them a real help in their life .
So when you do your work for example and you wanna be successful what is the real goal you have to aim for ?
Make your patients happier and satisfied , your success is just the proportional measure of their success.
But to make patients happy is not just about giving a good clinical work , we are humans being with multiple needs beyond a mere “restorative work “ or a “root canal “. We are human beings with human ’s perceptions so you r real work is beyond dentistry .
That’s why for example I started focusing many years ago on patient centered outcomes and started redesigning all my dentistry toward that concept , against the traditional process or doctor centered outcomes.
And that’s why in the last years I expanded the concept of patient centered outcomes far beyond the clinical needs…
And which dentistry are you practicing ? which courses are you following?
If you wanna learn more about my approach and my idea of dentistry and the protocols I follow have a look at my ebook , it’s free and it ’s about my 20 years journey in dentistry and the lessons I learned. Download it at :It’s the story of a golden life with happy patients , successful cases , predictable work .
Each one of these successful guys has his own recipe for getting this .
Most of the times the recipe is not complete for all the needs you have ,but each one of them has a small recipe for success.
Follow this protocol and you will be successful in endodontics .
Follow this selling protocol and you will be able to increase your acceptance rate .
Advertise in this way and you will get plenty of implant patients.
In the last decades all over the world we have moved toward a different kind of society .
Competitivity and anxiety become the main movers of our era .
Nobody want to be below expectations so what happens is simply this : people tries to leverage your anxiety and your fears in order to see you something .
Of course the award has to be exceptional in order to push you even more .
The recipe is almost the same : push hard on people’s fears and problems in order to make the problem bigger and after make them dream about an amazing solution .
There is nothing really wrong about this approach . We know that humans are quite lazy so we have to push a little bit harder in order to make them change something .
The problem is just one …and it’s on the “seller “ …what is he selling really? which actions is he performing exactly?
Being simple ,the actions we perform in our life may be collected in 4 actions :
1. we look for improve our situation at the expense of others
2. we look for improve ourselves and in the same time others
3.we look to improve others situation at the expense of our life
4.we damage ourselves together with others.
The most frequent action I see is the first one…the problem is that often this ends up with the fourth .
Selling something with scarce value to the world , pushing the product with all the available marketing tools in the hope of selling enough so to improve his /her economical status , to improve his small personal world .
What happens after time is simply the loss of reputation and the final failure ….so..number 4: we damage ourselves together with others.
Useless to say …..the number two , the real number two , is what we have to strive for …
Improving our situation and in the same time improving others giving them a real help in their life .
So when you do your work for example and you wanna be successful what is the real goal you have to aim for ?
Make your patients happier and satisfied , your success is just the proportional measure of their success.
But to make patients happy is not just about giving a good clinical work , we are humans being with multiple needs beyond a mere “restorative work “ or a “root canal “. We are human beings with human ’s perceptions so you r real work is beyond dentistry .
That’s why for example I started focusing many years ago on patient centered outcomes and started redesigning all my dentistry toward that concept , against the traditional process or doctor centered outcomes.
And that’s why in the last years I expanded the concept of patient centered outcomes far beyond the clinical needs…
And which dentistry are you practicing ? which courses are you following?
If you wanna learn more about my approach and my idea of dentistry and the protocols I follow have a look at my ebook , it’s free and it ’s about my 20 years journey in dentistry and the lessons I learned. Download it at :eautiful people , probably wealthy people , beautiful photography.
The narrative behind these stories is quite similar .
It’s the story of a golden life with happy patients , successful cases , predictable work .
Each one of these successful guys has his own recipe for getting this .
Most of the times the recipe is not complete for all the needs you have ,but each one of them has a small recipe for success.
Follow this protocol and you will be successful in endodontics .
Follow this selling protocol and you will be able to increase your acceptance rate .
Advertise in this way and you will get plenty of implant patients.
In the last decades all over the world we have moved toward a different kind of society .
Competitivity and anxiety become the main movers of our era .
Nobody want to be below expectations so what happens is simply this : people tries to leverage your anxiety and your fears in order to see you something .
Of course the award has to be exceptional in order to push you even more .
The recipe is almost the same : push hard on people’s fears and problems in order to make the problem bigger and after make them dream about an amazing solution .
There is nothing really wrong about this approach . We know that humans are quite lazy so we have to push a little bit harder in order to make them change something .
The problem is just one …and it’s on the “seller “ …what is he selling really? which actions is he performing exactly?
Being simple ,the actions we perform in our life may be collected in 4 actions :
1. we look for improve our situation at the expense of others
2. we look for improve ourselves and in the same time others
3.we look to improve others situation at the expense of our life
4.we damage ourselves together with others.
The most frequent action I see is the first one…the problem is that often this ends up with the fourth .
Selling something with scarce value to the world , pushing the product with all the available marketing tools in the hope of selling enough so to improve his /her economical status , to improve his small personal world .
What happens after time is simply the loss of reputation and the final failure ….so..number 4: we damage ourselves together with others.
Useless to say …..the number two , the real number two , is what we have to strive for …
Improving our situation and in the same time improving others giving them a real help in their life .
So when you do your work for example and you wanna be successful what is the real goal you have to aim for ?
Make your patients happier and satisfied , your success is just the proportional measure of their success.
But to make patients happy is not just about giving a good clinical work , we are humans being with multiple needs beyond a mere “restorative work “ or a “root canal “. We are human beings with human ’s perceptions so you r real work is beyond dentistry .
That’s why for example I started focusing many years ago on patient centered outcomes and started redesigning all my dentistry toward that concept , against the traditional process or doctor centered outcomes.
And that’s why in the last years I expanded the concept of patient centered outcomes far beyond the clinical needs…
And which dentistry are you practicing ? which courses are you following?
If you wanna learn more about my approach and my idea of dentistry and the protocols I follow have a look at my ebook , it’s free and it ’s about my 20 years journey in dentistry and the lessons I learned. Download here!